What is the difference between Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Intelligent Document Processing (IDP)?

OCR stands for Optical Character Recognition and can scan documents and transform them into a machine-readable form.

OCR stands for Optical Character Recognition and can scan documents and transform them into a machine-readable form. But it doesn't "really" understand your data like IDP does. 

For instance, OCR can tell us that certain pixels are the numbers 1 9 8 0 – but it does not understand that it's a year and part of your Date of Birth.

💡 IDP does, though. As humans, we quickly understand the meaning behind certain words, and that's what IDP does for you. It understands text and documents.

Infographic: OCR vs Intelligent Document Processing 

OCR vs Acodis Checklist | Acodis

Watch Video: IDP vs OCR vs RPA Explained

Read more about the differences here: